
User Guide

What is RaPo-Qt?

RaPo-Qt is a Freeware application for the preparation and execution of cycleball and cylepolo competitions. It supports simple and complex tournaments as well as whole leagues.

In addition, the athletes and teams of a club can be managed and register on league seasons and tournaments can be created.

Table of Contents

How to work with RaPo?
   general overview

club data
   Club data overview
      club input
      Person input
      Team input
      venue input
      game classes input
   Create registration

Competition master data
   Classes, federations, nations overview
      Enter league, federations, nations
   Venue overview
   Card reason overview
      Edit card reasons
   Rank points overview
      Edit ranking points
   Tournament and league systems overview
      Edit tournament and league systems
    Competitions overview

Competition editor
   competition settings
       competition options
       assign teams
       rename teams
       Teams 'out-of-competition'
       plan match day
       change match order
       Insert or delete matches
       Sort competition
   competition execution
       Simple input
       Advanced input
       final round
   Publish competition

Data backup and exchange
   Backup and restore
   Data exchange
      Entry forms
      Competition data
      CSV address data export
   Data import
      XML data import
      CSV address data import
      creating a competition
      uploading a competition
      exchange results

Tips and Tricks
   Input tables
      selection from the list
      direct input
   Logos und Icons
      Assign logos and icons
      Which logo is used?
      Find entries without a logo
      Configure clock
      End signal
   Own templates
      league templates
      simple tournament templates
      Tournament templates preliminary and final round

How to work with RaPo?

general overview

RaPo-Qt was designed in such a way that:

RaPo offers many options for taking over existing data and thus making the changeover or entry as easy as possible.

RaPo-Qt was designed in such a way that the software can be run on almost any PC.


In the work area, the menus and dialogs are grouped according to task.

The left part of window 1 contains the buttons for all required dialogs. The buttons are arranged in logical order (from top to bottom).

The actual dialogs are shown in the dark gray area 2. Only one work dialog can be opened at a time.

Most of these dialogs contain overviews that can be used to open all other required entries.

club data

All club-related data, athletes and teams are edited in the club data dialog.

Club data overview

The club data overview contains the lists of all relevant data.

List selection 1 is arranged according to the frequency of processing / use. Initially, the list of teams is selected.
Depending on the active list, the corresponding input dialogs are opened using the buttons in the action area.
In addition to the familiar overview, there are additional input elements.

With club selection 2 it is possible to filter the displayed entries for a specific club. This simplifies the search for large amounts of data (many different clubs) and is particularly interesting for competition organizers.

With the message button 3, the dialog is expanded in order to be able to create a announcement.

The individual input dialogs are described below in the required order

  1. Club
  2. Athlete - the athlete needs a club
  3. Teams - the teams need athletes

club input

The data of the clubs can be edited in the following dialog.
For the club data, the name, nation and federation are mandatory.

The logo is optional. More information can be found under Logos and Icons.

The contact person is required for tournament and league registration.

Person input

The data of the persons can be edited in the following dialog.

For athlete data, all values above the red line (except language) are required.
For 'pure' responsible the UCI-ID may be omitted.

Predefined values are available for the nation and the language. However, these can also be overwritten by direct input.

The language is optional. This offers the possibility to define the desired language of the athlete in nations with several official languages.

The address information in the lower area can be stored for communication, but will only be passed on to third parties in case of responsibles.

Each person may be Athlete, Commissaire or Responsible or any mixture of these functions.

The function determines, in which selection menus the person is visible.

Team input

The data of the athletes can be edited in the following dialog.

The name of the team appears both in the overview and is also passed on as a name in registrations.
The name should include the club and a unique numbering.

The corresponding values are to be selected for discipline and age group.

The values for the league are taken from the data stored in leagues.
Free entry is also possible.

Input tables are available for regular and substitute players.
The regular players 1 are mandatory, the substitute players 2 are optional.

A notice:
The athletes must be entered beforehand.

venue input

Venue data can be edited in the following dialog.

Any count of venues can be entered per club.
If several clubs use the same venue, one entry per club must be created.

The venue is transmitted with a league registration.

game classes input

The names of the game classes can be edited in the following dialog.

The values entered here are available as a selection when entering the team and simplify the work there.

A notice:
Please only use the names that are valid for you, as these will be used when registering on tournaments and league seasons.

Create registration

By pressing the button 'Entry Form' 1 the dialog for the club management is extended by the area for the registration 2. Clicking the button again reduces the size of the dialog.

In the team overview 5 please select the teams to be registered (by checking the box on the left).
With the registration club 4 you specify the registering club. The contact details of the contact person are displayed at 6. If these are not correct, you can click directly on 6 to open the input dialog for the club data.

The picture shows the entry for a tournament registration.
In this case, the input fields for the tournament data are in the middle 7.

Alternatively, the registration 3 can also be made for a league season.

In this case, the season and a venue must be specified.

The venues assigned to registration club 4 can be selected as venues.

The registration is created via the print dialog using the Print button 8.
In the print dialog, you have the option of checking the message and then printing it out, or creating a PDF or image file of the message for sending by email or social network.

If no message is displayed in the print dialog, no team has been selected.

Formular league registration:

Formular tournament registration:

Competition master data

The master data includes all basic data for the execution of the competition. These are divided into several dialogs.

It is recommended to initially call up and fill in all dialogs from top to bottom.

Classes, federations, nations overview

This overview contains the lists of Classes, federations and nations.

Enter league, federations, nations

The data of the leagues, federations and nations are always entered in a similar dialog.

The input fields correspond to the columns in the overview lists

The logo is optional. More information can be found under Logos and Icons.

Venue overview

This overview contains the lists of venues.

Since venues always have to be assigned to a club, there is the option of creating new clubs via the additional Clubs tab.

The same dialogs are used to enter the data as for club administration.

see: Club input  und Venue input

Card reason overview

This overview contains the lists of possible reasons for given cards.

These reasons are then available in a selection when playing the game.
Initially, the German formulations chosen by the BDR are stored.

Edit card reasons

The reasons are always entered in the same dialog.

Please select the card type first.

Then the text can be entered.
Please avoid overly long formulations.

If you want to enter the same reason for different cards, you can simply create a copy using 'duplicate' and then change the card type.

Rank points overview

This overview contains the lists of possible ranking points.

There are two different types of point systems supported by RaPo.

Point systems are only considered in the overall ranking. The extra point system is also only available in the printout/export once the competition has ended.

The point systems stored here can then be assigned to the corresponding competition.
Initially, the systems of the UCI (World Cup + WM), the BDR (Radpolo DM Quali + Radball WM Quali) and the Swiss finals are stored.

Edit ranking points

The point values are entered in a simple dialog.

Please enter a descriptive name first.

Then the point values can be entered.

Enter the points per placement - starting with place 1 - separated by a semicolon in one line.

Tournament and league systems overview

This overview contains the lists of the existing tournament and league systems.

These are templates that are then completed with the real data (teams, dates, venues) for game operations.

In addition to the actual overview, the action area offers the import.
This allows templates
  • from files in CSV and LIG format (Rawett)
  • from files in RaPo format (preliminary round + final)
  • from results on Radball.at
to be read.
The file selection dialog offers 1 the possibility of filtering according to the possible template types.

How the required address can be determined on Radball.at is described in the tips and tricks.

If you cannot find a suitable template, you can create your own template as a text file. A detailed description of the format and the available templates can be found in the tips and tricks.

Edit tournament and league systems

The competition editor is available for editing the tournament and league system. This is used both for editing the templates and for conducting the competition.

Within the templates can be determined.

Competitions overview

This overview contains the lists of all competitions, sorted by preparation, current and finished.

By dividing the competitions according to their current status, the greatest possible clarity is achieved.
Any number of competitions can be edited at the same time.

Creating a new competition is only possible under 'Preparation'. This action is deactivated in all other overviews. As a further special feature, there is a selection option when creating a new competition.

Based on the selection, the competition is created and can be edited in the competition editor.

Competition editor

The competition editor is used consistently for editing competitions. This applies to the creation of the templates as well as the preparation and the actual implementation.
With the help of the buttons 1 the level of detail of the display can be adjusted very well.

no details

In addition, a summary of the groups as well as the team and match breakdown is displayed for each matchday 2.
Depending on the current processing status (template/preparation/current), some settings are not available. Furthermore, depending on the processing status, the settings are initially displayed or are minimized.

competition settings

The global settings of the tournament or league are specified in the upper part.

competition options

With option 1 the 'global' settings of the competition are made.
Discipline, game and age group 2 determine the available teams. This directly influences team assignment 3 - please always set these values first!

The 'strict' option for the age group determines whether of the teams are taken into account.
A team registered as U23 cannot be selected for 'Elite' if the age group is strict, but it is available without 'strict'.

Establishing a rank point system is optional. The entries from the master data are available in the selection.

The times must be set manually. There is no automatic specification based on discipline and age group.

With display name and team logo 4 the presentation of the teams is defined. Once teams are assigned, these settings directly affect how they are displayed in Leaderboard 3.
So you can see immediately if a logo is missing or if a name is too long.

Display name has the options 'Club' and 'Federation'. These options display the values used to determine the logos as the name. This makes it very easy to identify errors in the team data or missing logos.

Additionally a responsible 5 and some remarks may be entered.
As responsible all persons, marked as reponsible and club responsibles are available. To select the needed one simply start typing the name and pickup the right one from the list. Alternatively click on and select the needed name.

In the footer 6 field, the currently used footer text is displayed. As default, these are the contact data of the selected responsible 5. You can enter your own text here.

Discipline and age group can only be changed in templates and in the preparation. After that, the values cannot be changed!

assign teams

In the left area 3 is the overall ranking. This also serves to assign the teams. The teams are entered as described under input tables.

Please always select the discipline and age group of the competition first, as the possible teams depend on this.
When selecting the team, be sure to select the team name as the display name, otherwise problems will arise!

The teams can only be assigned during the preparation!

rename teams

RaPo assumes that the teams will play together for a longer period of time. That's why by default the same team name is used everywhere for a team.

However, there are some competitions where even the different options for the display name are not enough. In this case, the team name can be changed individually using the context menu (right mouse button).

The Team name entry is only available if
  • a team has been assigned
  • only one team is selected
The team name can be changed in the following dialog.

By 'Cancel' or an empty team name the original name will be used.

The team names can only be assigned in preparation!

Teams 'out-of-competition'

Sometimes teams participate ‚out-of-competition‘, which means the results of these matches are not taken into account for the ranking list.

Those teams can be marked as ‚out-of-competion‘ in the left part 3 in the Rankinglist / teamoverview. Please select the teams and open the context menu by clicking the right mouse button.

Here you can mark the team as out-of-competition, or as regular competitor.

Teams, marked as out-of-competition are

The 'out-of-competition' can only be assigned during the preparation!

plan match day

The planning of the match days takes place under appointment in the individual groups of a match day. The required fields can be shown or hidden using the detail button ().

The appointment is entered separately according to date 1 and time 2.

The date can be entered directly into the number fields. Alternatively, a calendar is available with the button .

By default, the clubs of all teams 6 involved on this match day are available as organizers 3 . Alternatively, by activating 'all' 4, all clubs stored in the database can be used.

After selecting the organizer, the venue can be selected from the venues assigned to this club.

The commissioners are assigned in the corresponding fields 5. These are free text entries. Based on autocompletion you have access to  all persons, marked as 'commissaire' in the master data.

If the required venue or organizer is not available in the selection, these must first be entered in the master data.

change match order

The order of the matches can be easily changed at any time using drag & drop. This is possible both within a group and across group boundaries.


The matches are inserted at the target position before the match. If you have selected several matches, they will be inserted in the order in which they were selected.

Want to move/insert a match at the very end of the match sequence. You must first insert the match before the last match and after that slide the last match before it.

Matches can only be moved within a competition.

Insert or delete matches

Matches can be added or deleted via the context menu of the match table. The selected matches will be deleted or a new match will be added at the end.

Normal round matches as well as decision matches are possible for new matches to be created.

Only the teams involved in the competition are available for selection.

Play-offs only determine the order of the two teams, but do not affect the results (goal/points).

Sort competition

The competitions are sorted in the overview according to their current status.
The status can easily be changed using the buttons on the top right.
The current status is shown as a larger symbol.

By clicking on the desired state, it is checked whether all the requirements for the new state are met.
If this is not the case, a dialog with the necessary information is displayed.

If the new status is possible, the competition is saved and re-sorted accordingly in the competition overview.

competition execution

In order for a competition to take place, it must first be classified as 'current competition' (see red markings).


During the execution the substitudes can be registered.
For this there is a button 1 at every matchday/-group.

Behinde the button, the count of currently assigned substitudes is displayed.

The input of the substituted is done in the following dialog.
The input is done by the input table 1.

Within the selection all athletes of the corresponding club are available.

If the needed athlete is not displayed, he may be created with the 'new athlete' button 2.

There is no check, if the substitution is allowed or not.

A overview of all sustitutes of the whole league or competition is available below the total ranking list.

Here are all substitutes together with the team are listed.

If an athlete was substitute in multiple teams, there are also multiple entries for him.

If an athlete was substitute multiple timess in the same team, the count of substitutes is noticed.

Simple input

The final result can easily be entered directly in the corresponding column of the match table (1).

After completing the entry with <ENTER>, the system switches to the next result so that it can be entered directly.

The lock 2 can be used to protect the results of a day's play from being changed. An entry is then no longer possible.

The entered scores are directly taken over into the ranking list.

Advanced input

It is of course also possible to enter all intermediate results, as well as admonishments and injuries. There is a results editor for this. You can reach this by double-clicking on one of the teams in the corresponding match.

In the upper part of this dialog you have the option 1 of marking a team as 'absent' or 'injured'.

The selected marking is shown in large size and in color (in the picture the left team 'did not show up')

Admonishments can be entered using the 2 keys.

An input field 3 is added by pressing one of the keys.

Additional interim results can be entered in lower area 4.

You can use the 5 keys to switch to the next or previous game without closing the dialog. With key 6 the entries are transferred to the competition and the ranking list is updated.

Please note that the marking as 'absent' or 'injured' or a red card also have an impact on the result of the match.


The live mode offers the possibility to enter the results parallel to the match and to present them to the audience. In addition, the necessary time measurements can be made.

In the upper part 1 the current data of the game are displayed. The entries for the score (goals) are also located here.

In addition to the +/- buttons, the following buttons are available:
goal left coal right playing time
plus: F5
minus: <Shift> + F5
plus: F9
minus: <Shift> + F9
Start/Stop: S or T

In the middle part 2 are the entries for admonishments or abandonment of the game.

Below 3 are the switches for the match halves. The corresponding final score of the half of the match is also displayed there.
By selecting a half of the match, the current score is automatically adopted. If one half is accidentally selected, the save can only be deleted via the advanced input.

In the upper right area 4 are the clocks for the playing time, interruptions due to injuries and the break. A detailed description of how to operate the clock can be found in Tips and Tricks.
Only the playing time is displayed on the audience's live display.

In the lower right area 5 are the buttons for controlling the audience display and the area change.
The area change is not automatic!

The split between ranking list and current result can be moved at the top edge of ranking list 1 with the mouse. This allows individual customization (from only the current game to only the ranking list).

The audience display can still be configured via a menu (right mouse button).
In addition to the full screen, settings for color and font are also available.
Additionally, the area display can be swapped and the ranking can be configured.

By default the Teamnames are adjusted to fit to the whole available space. Therefore long names may be displayed on multiple lines.

There is an option to force single line display.

The following ranking list configurations are possible:

Initially the global ranking is selected.

All teams are shown for up to 6 teams. With more teams, the font size is optimized to line width and, if necessary, scrolled automatically. For many teams it makes sense to use a display only for the ranking list.


Admonishments can be entered in the advanced input dialog. A new input field is opened by pressing one of the card symbols. Any number of inputs can be opened.

With option 1 the type of admonishment can be changed.

Next to it 2 the name of the warned person is entered.

The names of the players are directly available as a selection . However, free text can also be entered (e.g. the coach).

A admonishment with a yellow/red or red card is interpreted as a suspension and the match is considered lost for this team. In the case of a red card for the coach, please enter this as a yellow card and note the red card in the reason.

The reason for the admonishment is to be entered in lower area 3. Double-clicking in this field opens a window with all the reasons stored in the master data.

Double-clicking on an entry accepts it and closes the window.

Closing the window cancels the selection.

Regardless of these specifications, you can enter your own reasons directly (without double-clicking).


The results are displayed directly in the match table. This table is used both for entering the results and for displaying them.

The displayed result is as follows:
  1. current score
  2. Abandoned game

In the rare special case that both teams are sent off at the same time, or both teams did not appear, the results 2 are displayed from the perspective of team 1 and team 2.

If the result could not be achieved during normal playing time, the result will be marked accordingly 3:

(O) - Overtime
(P) - 4m Schießen (Penalty)

An icon 1 for signaling special events is also displayed in the match results. These are:

The team did not appear.
The team stopped the game due to injury.
The team received a corresponding admonishment.

final round

In tournaments with preliminary rounds and finals, the teams are determined in the final based on the placement in the preliminary round as well as the winners/losers of previous games.

Games with such relative information 1 cannot be scored.

It is necessary to update the teams at the appropriate time (e.g. end of the preliminary round) with button 2 and thereby replace them with the current team name.

This button only becomes active when the preliminary round has been completed and protected 3!

The relative information in ranking 4 will be replaced as soon as the corresponding result is available.

Publish competition

RaPo offers several ways to publish the data of the competitions. The 'Homepage' and 'Print' buttons are available at the bottom of the competition editor for this purpose.


The competition data can be displayed as a 'responsive' web page. The pictograms are also stored on a single page and the layout adapts to the browser window.

So you can easily publish the competition on a homepage.

In the upper area the actual ranking list 1, the remarks 2 and the team overview are located.

Below that you find, a headline for each matchday 3. By clicking such a headline, the matchday details are shown or hidden.
The details can be opened independently.

Initialy the last played matchday is opened by default. But it is also possible, to force a specific day.
So this page can be used as overview as well as it can be linked from other pages e.g. the calendar.

To force a specific day, simply a #dayN need to be added to the pages URL/filename. Whereby N repesents the number of the match, starting with 1.
In the shown example 'Demo_4_teams.html#day1'would show the page with opened preliminary round.

It is possible to adapt the page to the lock and feel of your own website using a style sheet. The style sheet must be called 'RaPo.css' and be in the same directory or in the root directory of the domain.


RaPo offers the possibility of data export for the creation of certificates. This data can be integrated by any common word processing program as a 'mail merge' or 'serial letter'.

The certificate file is a text file that contains the following information for each team, this information is separated by semicolons.

A separate entry is created for each team and athlete. The entries differ in the order in which the athletes of the team are sorted, each athlete is listed as the first athlete in an entry.

With a common word processing program, you can use the document file as a data source for a serial letter. To do this, create a new form letter that prints the desired information in the place required by your certificates by positioning the placeholders of the form letter accordingly.
An example can be found

Further information on creating a serial letter with OpenOffice or MS Word can be found HERE.

The names are exported in UTF-8 encoding! Set this format in your word processing system when importing.


The data can be created in many different formats via the print dialog.

The possible documents can be selected in the upper area.

The desired output format can be selected with the buttons in the lower area.
The selection of the matchday is only available in case of Leagues/Tournaments with multiple days or groups.
There are also several layouts available for the game plan / match report.

The preferred layout can be set in the Settings menu.

Example overview:

Example Swiss-IUC Layout:

Example BDR Layout:

Data backup and exchange

Backup and restore

The function for data backup and restore data is available on the menu 'File'.

With the option 'Save' you have the opportunity to store the acutal database as a file on your hard disk.

With the option 'Open' you can reuse the backup.

When you 'Open' a restore, all previous data will replace.

Data exchange

In contrast to backup, the data exchange only selected data is exchanged in a generally valid format between different installations of RaPa or third-party systems.

The exchange of entry forms or competition data requires that both the sender and the recipient of the data work with RaPo!
Address data, on the other hand, use the text-based CSV format, which is supported by many programs (Exel, Office, database systems).

The data to be exchanged must be exported at the providing system (transmitter). The recipient can import the data.
The export determines the type and scope of the data exchange.

Entry forms

Messages are intended for communication between the club and those responsible for the league or tournament organizers. This data exchange is only possible between RaPo systems.

In the case of central maintenance, the master data can be transmitted to the clubs. In the opposite case, the clubs can maintain the data and transmit it to the responsible persons.

With such a report, the master data of the teams, athletes and clubs (in the case of league reports also a venue) are provided or exchanged.

The entry form data is created in the club data overview using the Entry form button. It is described in detail in the Create registration chapter.

Competition data

The exchange of competition data is intended for the central administration of a league and the decentralized execution of the individual match days. This data exchange is only possible between RaPo systems.

The rough process of data exchange is as follows:

  1. The central manager promptly creates an export of the competition and sends it to the organizer of the game day.
  2. The organizer imports the data for the execution of the competition.
  3. The competition is held.
  4. At the end of the match day, the organizer exports the competition and sends it back to the central manager.
  5. The central manager imports the data and only takes over the relevant game day or group.

The competition should be updated by the central manager before it is sent.

The data is taken back separately according to groups. It is therefore not a problem to play a game day at several locations at the same time and then transfer the data one after the other.

The export of the competition data takes place in the corresponding competition editor below via the button .

CSV address data export

RaPo offers the possibility to export athlete and club data. The commonly used CSV format is used as the data interface.

The address data is created in the club data overview using the button .

First select all athletes to be exported from the address list. The associated club data is selected automatically.

You can reduce the number of athletes by selecting a club.
All athletes displayed in the list can be selected using the '+' buttons.

The export button is only active when the athlete overview is selected.

Data import

You can access the corresponding import dialog via the menu - File - Import.
In the import dialog you can enter the file name of your data directly 1.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Browse' button 2 to select the file in the file system.

By activating 'interactive' 3 each new data record is displayed and can be edited or discarded.

The import supports the following data formats:

XML data import

RaPo's own XML format offers the possibility of exchanging athlete, club and team data as well as complete competitions.

Based on the data, RaPo automatically recognizes whether it is registration or competition data.

In the case of reporting data, the dialog shown appears with a brief description of the data.
The registration is decisive 1.

Contrary to the registration data, the information Competition 1 appears for competition data.

Furthermore, RaPo recognizes whether the data should be used for the decentralized execution 2 or for an update of the central data 3.

If you confirm the import, the master data of the clubs, athletes and teams will be imported in any case. RaPo tries to find the same or similar entries in your existing data. So there may be some queries.

For the import of complete competition data, please note the following information and explanations.

competition data for execution

A centrally managed competition or game day is carried out in a separate -alternative- database. This ensures that your own data is not affected.

As long as you are in this special implementation mode, you will receive the following instructions:

Never use the alternative database for your 'normal' data. Only use the alternative database for conducting the game day!

competition data for central administration

If RaPo has recognized that it is an update for an existing competition, this competition is automatically opened in the competition editor after importing the data.
If the editor is already open, it will be reused. You can therefore import several data records of a competition one after the other.

The imported data is then compared with the locally stored data. If differences are found, a dialog appears showing the differences. It is possible to accept the data.

Only all data of one group can be accepted (or rejected).

Game days completed in the local database are not compared (no update possible).

CSV address data import

RaPo offers the possibility to import athlete, club and team data. The commonly used CSV format is used as the data interface. Most databases as well as Excel can provide this format.

When you have selected the necessary file and confirmed with OK, a window for assigning the data opens. This is necessary in order to assign the different data fields (sequence of the data) to the correct fields in the RaPo database.

For this purpose, the CSV file should contain the logical names of the data (columns) in the first line. If this is not the case, the first data record is used (however, this is then not imported).

As shown in the picture, there is always a pair of usage in RaPo 1 and the logical name in the CSV file 2. The logical names are available as a selection list that opens when you click on it.

The fields framed in red must be included in the CSV file or be specified as standard values 4 for all data records. If this is not the case, the missing information can/must be entered manually for each data record during the import.

If the CSV file does not contain any team assignments, select the empty entry as Team 3.

In addition, you can specify whether any new nations, federations or leagues should be included in master data 5.

If the names are not stored separately in your CSV file in first and last name, please assign the first name: to the name and leave last name: empty


The cycleball results platform Cycleball.eu offers not only the display of results, but also the possibility of entering the results live, creating competitions and querying results.

The division into the various sports associations or nations takes place at Cycleball on the entry page. From there, the associations are divided into so-called subdomains.

The necessary interfaces were integrated into RaPo in order to be able to exchange data with Cycleball.eu as simply as possible. This chapter discusses this in more detail.


Retrieving data is unrestricted, without registration. For the provision of data, however, there is an access control.

A PIN is generated for each game day, which is necessary for the transmission of the associated game results. No registration (only the PIN) is therefore required for the transmission of game results.

The creation of competitions is only possible for registered users with the appropriate authorization. In addition, registered users (depending on their authorization) can activate other users for the association.

If the entire sports association is not yet registered on cyclyeball.eu, please contact the homepage administrator by email: info@taimos.de.
In all other cases, the person responsible for the sports association can grant you the necessary access rights or provide you with the required PIN.

creating a competition

In order for a competition to be exchanged between RaPo and Cycleball.eu, the necessary parameters must be entered in RaPo.
This is done in the competition editor under 'Options' in the Cycleball.eu area.

For domain 1, enter the subdomain identifier assigned to your sports association (e.g. by for Bavaria).
The abbreviation 2 is used internally for data management on the server. You can assign it freely, but it must meet the following conditions:

The competition name (not the abbreviation) is used for the display on Cycleball.eu.

Season 3 serves to distinguish recurring competitions / leagues. Individual years (e.g. 2023) as well as subsequent years (e.g. 2023/24) are possible.

If you change one or more of these parameters, you will have to re-upload the competition on Cycleball.eu!

uploading a competition

Uploading new or changed competitions to cycleball.eu is not yet fully integrated into RaPo and still requires manual work. The workflow is therefore described in detail here.

data creation

The data is created with the button . There are two windows where the button can be found.

In the competition overview in the 'current' tab, any number of competitions can be selected at the same time and their data generated. This allows all leagues to be published at the beginning of a new season.

In the competition editor the  button offers the possibility to create the data for this one competition only. This variant is useful for subsequent changes to this competition.

After RaPo has checked the connection to cycleball.eu, you have to select the local storage location for your data.

Here you have to select a directory in which the individual competitions are then stored in subdirectories.

RaPo remembers the last directory used for this.

Then the data is created. RaPo checks whether a competition with the same abbreviation already exists on the server.

If there is a competition with the same abbreviation, you will receive the adjoining notice with the option to create the data.

filing structure

The competition data created is stored in a structured manner in the selected directory.
The upper level contains the global databases of clubs and gyms, which are valid for all competitions.

The competition data is stored in subdirectories of the same name.

The competition data is divided into four different file types.

rbodb_Vereine.txt Database of all clubs in all leagues of the sports association with specification of the club resposible.
rbodb_Hallen.txt Database of all gyms/sports facilities of all leagues of the sports association.
edb_*.txt Description file of a single competition/league. Once per competition in the subdirectory of the competition.
*.rbt Description file of a single game day/group. One file per match day/group in the competition subdirectory.

import data

Simply call up Cycleball.eu with your own subdomain <subdomain>.cycleball.eu, e.g. de.cycleball.eu.

Please click on the login symbol  at the top right and log in using an existing account in the subsequent dialog.

Import clubs and gyms

The club and venue databases do not always need to be updated.

If an update is required, you will receive the adjoining notification.

Be sure to import the clubs first, then the halls and only then the match days!

Expand 'Information'.

Select 'Vereine' and then the 'Import file' button at the bottom right.
Select the local 'rbodb_Vereine.txt' file.

Then 'Hallen' and there again 'Import file'. Select 'rbodb_hallen.txt'.

import competitions

The data of a competition is divided into the master data and the individual match days.

The master data includes: season, squad leader, teams and regulations
If at least one of these data has changed, the competition must be created again.

Expand 'Verbandsrunde'.

Select 'Übersicht' and look for 'Importieren' at the bottom right.

Click there 'neue Liga/Staffel'
Select the 'edb_*.txt' file in the local competition subdirectory.

If the competition has been newly created or game days have changed, the game days must also be imported.

To do this, select the relevant competition under 'Verbandsrunde'.

In the season overview, click on 'Spieltage importieren'
Select all required '*.rbt' files in the local competition subdirectory.

Multiple files can be selected with <CTRL> or <SHIFT> + mouse click.

exchange results

RaPo offers the possibility to transmit game results to cycleball.eu (upload) as well as to accept results (download). The data is copied and existing results are overwritten.

The exchange of data takes place separately according to game days/groups and is started with the 'cycleball.eu' 1 button.

RaPo offers the possibility to continuously update the data. In this case, button 1 is shown pressed.

With continuous updating

If several groups in a league are playing at the same time, this offers the possibility of synchronizing the results online. The results of the 'remote' games are also included in the ranking lists and the flash tables.

Cycleball.eu provides an app for Android and iOS, with which the results can also be entered. As a result, only a smartphone (and no laptop with RaPo) is required on site.
The results can therefore be entered decentrally by the individual organizers and later transferred to RaPo by the relay leader at the push of a button.

A PIN is required to enter results. This is automatically sent to the manager of the organizing club on the Monday before the match day. In addition, all registered users can view the PIN.

Tips and Tricks


Overviews are used in many places in the application. Since the basic structure and operation of this is always the same, it should be described in detail at this point.

The overviews are roughly divided into 4 sections:

  1.  list selection
    Several lists are stored 'one after the other' in the overviews. You can switch between the lists by clicking on the corresponding tab in 1.
  2. list
    In the large middle part 2, the data of the current selection is shown in list form.
  3. additional area
    The number of selected list entries is displayed in additional area 3. A search function is also offered.
  4. area of action
    Action area 4 contains the buttons for editing and deleting. The corresponding action is applied to all entries selected in list 2.

List area 2 offers extensive options for displaying and sorting the data.

In addition to the actions in the action area, a single entry can be opened for editing with a double click.
Clicking on an entry with the right mouse button displays a menu with all actions.

Input tables

Input tables are used to assign data sets to a context, e.g.:

The same input table is always used for this. This should be described here.

Select the required entry by clicking on the table cell (row + column).
In this case on cell 1 with the symbolic team.

Now you can either select the required entries from a list or start typing directly.

Only the values to be assigned that are stored in the database are available in the list. If you miss values, they must first be entered in the database! Or the filters (age group / strict / league) can be adjusted.

selection from the list

To get the list of possible values, please proceed as follows.

Activate the selection list by double-clicking on the corresponding table entry.
Now the list can be opened with button 2.
In the list, the required entry can be either
  • selected with the mouse and with a click
  • with the keyboard using the cursor keys and <ENTER>
to be chosen.

The selection list is now closed and the entry is displayed in the table.

The value now only has to be confirmed with <ENTER>.

As soon as the value has been accepted, the selection list is removed and the table is displayed 'normally' again.

direct input

If you know (at least the beginning of) the required value, you can start typing directly in the selected table entry.

Once at least two characters are entered, a list of possible values is displayed.

The required value is selected and accepted as described for list selection.

With direct input, the possible values are determined starting with the entered characters, with upper and lower case being ignored.

Logos and Icons

Assign logos and icons

In many places it is possible to insert logos or icons. The same input option is always used for this. This should be described here.
The input consists of the display field of the graphic 1, the button 2 to open the file browser and the button 3 to delete the graphic.

If no graphic has been selected yet, the recommended size (width x height) is displayed in viewport 1. The graphics to be used should not deviate too much from these values, otherwise unsightly pixelation can occur.

The following options are available for assigning the graphic:

  1. via the file browser
    A file browser is opened by clicking button 2 or display area 1. Here you have the option of selecting a graphic file.
  2. via copy and paste
    Right-clicking the display area displays a menu.

    Here you have the option of copying the graphic or taking over a copied graphic (<STRG>+C) from another application, e.g. a text or image processor.
  3. via Drag & Drop
    From some applications, e.g. a file browser, the graphics can also be taken over by Drag&Drop.
    It is also possible to insert the graphic into another application using Drag&Drop.

    Note: Not all applications support the exchange via Drag & Drop.

Which logo is used?

There are several alternatives available for the logo to be used. Depending on the selection, the logo is determined as follows:

  1. Nation
    The nation is determined based on the nationality of the athletes of a team.
    If the athletes belong to different nations, no logo can be displayed. Otherwise, the logo stored under Nations is displayed.
  2. Federation
    The federation is determined on the basis of the club affiliation of the athletes in a team. The association assigned to the club is determined.
    If the athletes belong to different clubs, it is checked whether the clubs belong to the same federation. If this is not the case, no logo can be displayed. Otherwise, the logo stored under Federations is displayed.
  3. Club
    The club is determined based on the club affiliation of the athletes in a team.
    If the athletes belong to different clubs, no logo can be displayed. Otherwise, the logo stored under Clubs is displayed.

If no logo is stored in the specified data record, no display can take place.

Find entries without a logo

In many cases, the logos of the clubs, federations or nations are integrated into the advertisement. For this reason, it is desirable to have an overview of any logos that may not be available.
The easiest way to do this is to select the relevant column in the list display by clicking on the heading (1).

As a result, all entries without a logo are displayed either at the top or at the bottom of the list.

Note: The sorting order is changed by clicking the column header multiple times.


The clock can be operated with the mouse. The clock will stop automatically when the time is up.

At the beginning you will find the Start 1 button. When the clock is running, the Start button becomes the Stop button.

Configuration options 2 are described below.

When the clock is paused, there is either an option to resume from the current time 3 (after a pause) or to reset the clock 4.

Configure clock

By pressing the clock configuration button at the top right, you have the option of configuring the clock.


The configuration of the clock offers the following options:

  1. Turn the minute chime on or off.
  2.  Select the start time (if you forgot to start the clock)
     Note: You can also enter a desired time.
  3. Start the clock with the preset time.
  4. To select the minute signal:
      - 'beep' a beep ('factory setting')
      - '.wav' voice or sound output.

End signal

Audio files may be used as end signal. Depending on your operating system only a few audio formats are supported. The WAV-Format is supported on all plattforms.

To assign the file, select 'Properties' - 'end signal' in the menubar.

A filesystem browser will be opend, where you can select the needed audiofile.

After closing the browser, the audiofile will be played. If there is no sound, the selected file is not supported. Please select another file in that case.

RaPo only stores the location (filename) of the audio file to use. So do not rename or remove this file!
Don't use files, stored on a removeable media (USB stick)!


The results platform 'www.radball.at' is structured in such a way that all pages are displayed with the same URL.
However, in order to be able to use results as a template in RaPo, it is necessary to determine the direct URL. This can be done as follows.

  1. Navigate to the result overview in your web browser.
  2. Right-click the link to the result you need.
  3. In the menu that opens, select 'Copy Link'

  1. Open the dialog for the Radball.at import in RaPo.
  2. Right-click on the input field.
  3. In the menu that opens, select 'Insert'

Own templates

Many tournament and league templates are already included with RaPo, or Radball.at offers a very large number of results that can be used as templates. If you still can't find what you're looking for, you can create your own templates.

All templates are simple text files with the following basic structure:

You can edit these files with any text editor.
Below are the currently supported template types.

league templates

League templates contain data for multiple matchdays and possibly multiple groups in one matchday. The recommended file extension is '.lig'.

For league templates, each row consists of five values:
  1. Matchday
  2. Venue / Group
  3. Matchnumber
  4. logical teamnumber 1
  5. logical teamnumber 2


In the example on the left, the first day of play takes place at two locations. The second matchday will be played at one venue.

existing templates:

simple tournament templates

Simple tournament templates contain data for one match day/tournament in one group. The recommended file extension is '.csv'.

The first line must be 'Rawett Tournament System;' included!
All other lines consist of three values:
  1. Matchnumber
  2. logical teamnumber 1
  3. logical teamnumber 2


In the example on the left, a tournament is played with 4 teams.

existing templates:

Tournament templates preliminary and final round

Tournament templates with preliminary and final rounds contain data for one match day/tournament. Up to 5 groups are possible in the preliminary round, the final takes place in one group.
The recommended file extension is '.rapo'.

The first line must be 'RaPo-complex;' included!
All other lines consist of four values:

  1. Group
    A-E: preliminary Group
    F: Final
  2. Matchnumber
  3. logical teamnumber 1
  4. logical teamnumber 2
  5. optional match name, e.g. final

In the finals, the teams can be defined by place in the preliminary round or by winning/losing a match in the final round as follows:

In addition, the ranking can be defined based on winners/losers for the final. The format is:

If not all rankings are defined as winners/losers, an additional entry stating the teams to be considered is required.


F;14;L12;L13;match 3rd
In the example on the left, a tournament is played with 5 teams.

In the preliminary round everyone plays against everyone else.

The final starts with game 11 in which the 4th play against the 5th of the preliminary round.

In game 13, the first of the preliminary round plays against the winner of game 11 (4th vs. 5th)
Game 14 is the 3rd place game, game 15 is the final.

The ranking is defined as follows:
  1. Winner Final (Match 15)
  2. Looser Final
  3. Winner 3rd place match (Match 14)
  4. Looser 3rd place match
  5. Looser 4th against the 5th of the preliminary round (Match 11)

existing templates: